Ghosts & Spooks

The King Mansion at Tarrytown House Estate is home to Goosefeather restaurant and allegedly a ghost!There are spectres, apparitions, ghosts & spooks in great abundance in Sleepy Hollow and the surrounding Hudson River Valley. In fact, this region is reputed to be among the most haunted in the country! We dig deep into historic archives to uncover haunted locations. Know of a ghost whose story we should tell? Please write us at

  • Three ghosts of Raven Rock reportedly haunt this lonely and remote area of Rockefeller State Park.
    Ghosts & Spooks

    Beware The Ghosts of Raven Rock

    “Nowhere in this part of the country are the ravens to be found, though it is thought that they may have been plentiful a century or more ago. The crows, who are known to be inveterate neighbors of their larger cousins, perhaps drove them out. Upon their exodus these birds of ill omen left their names in more than one lonely spot, to couple with dark associations. Raven Rock is a detached portion of the steep, rocky, eastern side of Buttermilk Hill, which a deep fissure has long separated from the mass, and the fragment, becoming independent territory, set up a mythology of its own. Not content with one legend,…

  • Folklore,  Ghosts & Spooks

    The Spook Rock

    “In the days before the railroad was built, the population of Tarrytown was small, and the majority of the inhabitants were farmers; good, plain, practical people, not given to romancing and the inveterate foes of novelty. Some elderly folk, whose memories take them back to the thirties, remember the story of the Spook Rock as it was transmitted to them from their parents and grandparents, which should satisfy any sceptic of its genuine antiquity. Not far from the cottage of Hulda, the witch, it stood; but it was an ancient landmark before Sleepy Hollow mothers ever used Hulda’s name to frighten their babies into obedience.” –Chronicles of Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow,…

  • Ghosts & Spooks,  Folklore,  Vanished Sleepy Hollow

    Carl’s Mill

    “His greatest treasure of historic lore, however, was discovered in an old goblin-looking mill, situated among rocks and water-falls, with clanking wheels, and rushing streams, and all kinds of uncouth noises. A horse-shoe, nailed to the door to keep off witches and evil spirits, showed that this mill was subject to the awful visitations. As we approached it, an old negro thrust his head, all dabbled with flour, out of a hole above the water-wheel, and grinned, and rolled his eyes and looked like the very hobgoblin of the place. The illustrious Diedrich fixed upon him, at once, as the very one to give him that invaluable kind of information,…